In Germany, most people prefer to take public transportation. Very few people actually drive by car; this usually only happens when a German needs to buy something that is too big to take on public transportation or when they want to go somewhere far from a train station or bus stop. Most Germans take either trains, buses or their bikes to where they are headed.
When people in Germany travel long distances, they usually travel by train. If they are traveling within their own city, they travel by bus. Sometimes, people choose to ride their bikes instead. When going to the store, Germans always take their bikes and put all of their groceries in their bike baskets.
I get very anxious taking the trains in Germany because (in my experience) they are always late. Often, my first train picks me up on time but is then late to my destination, so I miss my other train. It is very frustrating. The trains are also very crowded so you often have to stand for a few hours. I don't usually take buses because I like to walk places if they are close enough. On German buses, you have to press a button to get off at your stop, so you always have to be paying attention.