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Once Diya grows up, I want to start home baking here in Vellore.” For now, “I just want to be with her until she is five years old. Until then, I’m not going anywhere.”

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

“Have a place for the parents, grandparents and the elders in your life.” Indu advised, “You can become very independent, but the elders’ love should be present.” She went on, wanting to stress her final points: “Also tell them, we are so happy to have you people here in Vellore. It is great how you have totally changed to the Indian culture. We didn’t expect it. It’s nice when foreigners come to our country and accept our culture. We love to have them.” Indu concluded, “Once you adapt yourself to any situation, you can take on anything in the world.”
