The message I want to send you off with in my last entry is: If you try your best, everything else is going to work out! You may be surprised, but this really is the big lesson that I am learning through my journey abroad.
The story of how I came to study in Spain is an example of how I gave my best, and everything worked out. I was at my university in the USA, and I had no idea that I could study in a new school in a different part of the world. But, as I found out, most universities offer this kind of opportunity! I ran into Julie, a person that helps students study abroad, (study in a new country). She explained to me that most students can study abroad, and that there are programs that could fit right into my situation. I was incredibly excited, and I knew then I would accomplish my dream of coming to Spain.
I applied to the program to study in Spain, and after a couple weeks I found out the news... I got in! Then, I found organizations that want to give students money to study in a new country, which is called a scholarship. Even this ended up working out. I had two organizations that wanted to help me study abroad, so I got not one, but two scholarships!