Spring Has Sprung

In Japan, they were widely cultivated for their beauty and then made their way around the world. 

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Despite its delicate appearance, cherry blossom trees are actually easy to grow and maintain. They grow in a variety of sunlight exposures, from full sun to even being mostly shaded. They are also relatively resistant to diseases such as fungus and pests. These trees are flexible to different soil conditions. As long as they are not too low in pH or watered too much, cherry blossoms survive in many different environments. 

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

As with many other trees, cherry blossom trees are harmed by pests such as weevils (a type of beetle), harsh environmental conditions and fungus. None of these are of huge concern because they are not very common. Even when these problems do present themselves, they are easily treatable. Furthermore, wild and cultivated cherry blossom trees alike are so valued that they are well taken care of by professionals and even the local government. 

Yeouido Park, Seoul, South Korea
