STEM in Middle Schools

It does raise the question of whether or not middle school students in the United States are willing to put the same amount of time and effort into these subjects, in order to better prepare for their future.

As someone who is always willing to learn something new and work hard to achieve it, I do see the value of putting the time and effort into building a strong foundation for myself in preparation for college and ultimately, my future. As a social person, however, I am also not willing to sacrifice time with my friends and family at an age where I am still trying to discover myself and the world around me.

I think that the emphasis that US schools are putting on STEM in recent years is important for the future potential of young American students. The more relaxed nature of the curriculum also allows middle school students to just be kids, and enjoy life. As a result, I think that STEM classrooms offer American middle school students opportunity without sacrificing what is most important to them at that age – their youth.

What are your opinions on this subject? Do you enjoy being part of a STEM classroom? What is your favorite part of being in a STEM classroom? Would you sacrifice more time so that you could better prepare for college and a career? What advise would you give Chinese middle school students?
