I am sad to say that this will be my last post for my Reach The World journey with all of you. I’m so lucky to have had this opportunity to connect with some amazing kids! I have enjoyed sharing my story with you and helping you gain a better understanding of Japan and its culture. I hope that one day each one of you will be in my position and traveling the world, whether to Japan or to a different country. As I said in a previous post, understanding many different countries and cultures from your own brings everyone closer! While I am sad to go, I want us all to be excited about the future! Be sure to look forward to the Olympics in Japan this summer! It’s a fun event and a milestone for the country.
As for my future, I'll be graduating in a few short weeks, on May 19th, and moving to Oklahoma City for a year. I am hoping I will be able to work in Japan by 2022! There is a program that is run by the Japanese government called the J.E.T. Program. The program places American citizens as English teachers in Japan, and it's very popular. When you all get older, I hope that you consider applying, too!
Instead of saying goodbye forever, I want to hope this isn’t the last you all see of my journey!