Two: Be Open to Learning New Things.
I have learned a lot this semester. The U.K. college school system has many differences compared to America. I have not just learned more about British culture and traveling, but I have also learned about a new way of learning, where there is little to no homework and most of your grade depends on one final exam. I thought it would be important to embrace this new system even though it was much different than what I am used to, and as a result, I have become a better student. I have learned a new way of studying that focuses on self-motivated learning instead of structured assignments. I know because of the self-direction I had to utilize in my studies here that I will be a better-motivated student upon returning home.
Three: Do not Believe Everything You Hear.
There are stereotypes and false beliefs all over the world. Some of the things I heard before leaving home were, "you will not have enough money to study abroad," and that "British food is terrible." However, through Gilman and my university scholarships, I was able to attend school in England for a semester. While here, I have tried many foods and found some that I love, such as cream tea, pasties and chocolate oranges. People often say negative things, but do not let them stop you.
Four-Seek Discomfort.
This is a phrase from a Youtube channel I love called Yes Theory, who always try to do things outside of their comfort zone. Living in a foreign country is not always easy or comfortable. When I first got here, I even had trouble buying groceries because I did not know how to pay for bags.