The point is that "yes" moments sometimes can teach you the most. I had to be open to the experience in order to learn from it though. If I never would have tried the Bulgarian meatball, I never would have experienced one of the most popular Bulgarian meat dishes and discovered how much I liked it.
Sometimes being willing to embrace events or even change your old habits is difficult. In the beginning, I would often get upset when things were different than I experienced in America. For example, my apartment has no air-conditioning or heat. I have plenty of windows, but the breeze from the wind does not compare to the cool blast of an air-conditioning unit. The first few months were miserable. I was so hot! But sitting in my apartment and wishing I had air did not help. When I realized this and started going for walks around town and eating ice cream in the park, my time became much more enjoyable.
My life in Bulgaria does not look very similar to the life I had in the United States. Neither is worse or better, just different. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it has taught me more about myself and how to handle difficult situations than I originally expected, which are positive things. The moments I have experienced in Bulgaria are exciting and some of the best times of my life so far. My life changed when I moved to Bulgaria, but I also changed and the memories I have made here will stay with me forever.
I have memories of the friends I have made, the places I have traveled, the traditions I have participated in, and most importantly, the students I have taught at Yordan Radichkov High School. These memories are amazing, and I never want to forget any of my experiences.