Traveling from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem takes about an hour by bus. In addition to traveling to Jerusalem, I also went to my biology internship at Tel Aviv University, which is a twenty-minute bike ride. Now that the weather has been nicer and there are not as many rainy days, I can ride my bike to class!
Thanks to my school, we have had quite a few school trips to different parts of Israel. Having visited Akko, Jaffa and Jerusalem, among many other small neighborhoods, I have been able to see how different Israel can be. While Tel Aviv is a vibrant and bustling city, other cities are more relaxed. For example, Akko is surrounded by mountains and nature, while Tel Aviv is bordered by the sea.
To get to Jerusalem, the other students and I took a bus to near the center of Jerusalem. From there, we were a short walk away from the Old City. During the week, I use my bike to get to my classes.
Visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was the most interesting activity that I did this week! While I would not label myself as a religious individual, visiting the Church was a great opportunity to learn more about the history of Christianity.