On a normal school day, I usually set my alarm for 6:30 a.m. That's pretty early, I know! I have to be at school by 8:00 a.m., so I want to give myself plenty of time to get ready, get breakfast,and take the train on time. I usually get dressed and get ready, and I'm out the door a few minutes after 7:00 a.m. Every morning, my roommates and I (there are three of us in my apartment!) walk to Family Mart, which is a convenience store kind of like a 7-Eleven. I buy a quick breakfast, usually a bagel, tea and some fruit, and we head to the MRT station. I take the MRT train for about 25 minutes and walk over to my school.
When I get to school, I say hi to the principal (and maybe some students if I see them!) and then go to my office. My office is on the third floor, and I share it with two P.E. teachers, who are great! Every day, I usually have about 40 minutes before classes start to eat my breakfast and talk to my co-teachers (here, we call them LETs). Then we start classes!
I teach a few different classes, and I change which classes I teach each day. But my schedule stays the same every week. On Mondays, I have three classes: two where I teach English, and one where I teach about culture. Each of them is about 40 minutes long.