Yuli Township is a small town in Hualien County on the east coast of Taiwan. I have a few friends that live there, and was able to visit them this past weekend. We got to do so many cool things! I hiked in the mountains, visited the beach and rode on a motorbike for the first time! I think the coolest part was the hike, though. I hiked on a path called Walami Trail up in the mountains for a long time... we went almost ten miles!
When we got to the trail, we were told to look out for different animals and plants along the way. We saw so many interesting creatures, including monkeys, spiders and different kinds of birds. And although we didn't see any, there were a lot of signs telling us to look out for bears! The best animal we saw, though, was pretty rare: the Swinhoe's pheasant.
The Swinhoe's pheasant is a bird that looks similar to a turkey or peacock. It's also known as the Taiwan blue pheasant. The male bird has a red head with white feathers on top. Its body and belly have a very pretty shade of blue and purple feathers with white on its back and a long, white tail. The female pheasant is brown with yellow arrow-shaped spots. It's a very beautiful bird!