Kids in Guatemala

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

In mathematics class, we are studying square roots.

In Spanish class we are looking at the subject, predicate, and verbs. I also take English class where we are learning spelling. For example, if you tell me to spell "happy", I respond in English, "H-A-P-P-Y".

In natural sciences, we are looking at the natural kingdoms.

In social studies class, we are looking at the ancient Mayans.

I also take "civic formation" class where we are looking at the peace accords in Guatemala.

My favorite class is English and the classes where I can practice reading.

What is your homework like?:

Sometimes my homework is easy, but at other times, it is difficult. Mathematics is the most difficult. Math homework sometimes has 10 exercises, and sometimes 5 exercises. Homework for the language class are about investigating a topic and writing about it. Sometimes I get help from my parents to do my homework.

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

After school I like to read, do my homework and draw. Yes, I have a favorite sport. I enjoy volleyball and fútbol (soccer). There is no volleyball court at school, but there is a fútbol field.

Who is your favorite famous person?:

In the favorite famous person is...Pope Francisco, the Pope. I learned about him one day when he was in the newspaper. I read some short stories that he wrote in the newspaper. The stories had very beautiful values.
