The letters LGBTQ stand for for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. It refers to people who identify with different genders and orientations from the "typical" man or woman. This term also shows that there are different interpertations about what gender is. LGBTQ identity is a normal thing, but unfortunately, it is not always accepted by some people. In Guatemala, the LGBTQ community comes together because its members want to be treated equally and to be accepted as being normal.
The challenge is that Guatemala is, in general, a very conservative country. That means that people are very strict about keeping things traditional. Some Guatemalans are not open to new ideas. For example, many conservative Guatemalans think that men should ONLY marry women, and that couples should ALWAYS try to have children. But some people do not follow the traditional way of living or being. People who are LGBTQ have different ways of expressing themselves.
I recently attended a Pride Parade in Guatemala City. A Pride Parade is when members of the LGBTQ community come together to march in the streets and show support for one another. They express the message that they are "proud" to be who they are. It is a positive and loving message that is inclusive, meaning that it does not reject anyone just because they are different.