Vegemite Goes Better With Toast and Butter


The many different cuisines to be found around the world are deeply rooted in the local culture. The food here in Sydney is no different, reflecting many different aspects of Australian life. The opportunity I have had to experience so many local foods has without question added a tasty perspective to my growing love of the country.

I follow a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, which means I have a plant-based diet but do also eat some eggs and dairy. As you can imagine this also means that my diet is probably quite different from that of the average Australian. Many of the meals I've had since arriving in Australia have come from the college (a.k.a dorm) that I live in, but I have still been able to try a wide array of dishes that are certain to excite anyone's palate. I want to tell you about a unique Australian food: vegemite!

What food did I try?:

I have tried most foods that are accomodating to my particular diet, but the time when I first tried vegemite definitely requires a special mention. I was not the biggest of fans, probably because I tasted it using a spoon rather than spreading it on buttered toast as most Australians do.
