Transportation Challenges Around Jordan

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

One of the most difficult things about getting around in Jordan is that nobody knows any addresses. Instead, everyone knows where landmarks are.

Do you know what a landmark is? A landmark is a special place or object that people recognize and remember. If I want to take a taxi somewhere in Jordan, I have to tell the driver to go to a landmark nearby the place that I actually want to go to. This can be very hard if I have never been to the place that I am trying to go to! This culture is very community-based, and people love to visit each other often, so people don't pay attention to addresses since they are used to knowing where everything and everyone is. 

Do you have any landmarks near your school? Can you imagine trying to get to school and telling your driver to find that special landmark? Now imagine trying to tell him in a different language!

Amman Jordan
