Goodbye Panama! (For Now)

I was also able to visit some places that I had never seen before, such as the Museo de la Mola (Museum of the Mola) in Casco Antiguo, a museum that showcases the beautiful molas, textile artwork made by the indigenous Guna women. After spending a day in Panama City, and finishing all that I needed to do, it was time to head to the airport for my flight.

My flight left Panama City at 9:30 a.m., but because I had bags to check and was going on an international flight, I arrived at the airport at 7:00 a.m. Although I did have a bit of a wait to check my bags, getting through security was luckily a breeze, and I was able to make it through the airport well before my flight. I grabbed some breakfast and made my way to my gate, where I had to go through another security checkpoint because I was going to the United States. I breezed through that as well and boarded my flight.

Because I was flying into Newark, with a one hour time change, the plane didn’t land until 4:00 p.m. I looked out the window in awe of everything, and as I stepped off the plane, I felt amazed to see everything in English and hear it all around me. I got through security and met up with my family, giving hugs all around. We went out for dinner, of course, at an American restaurant. Even though I’ll only be back for a little bit, I’m so happy to be back, especially to see my family. Although I’ll return soon, goodbye Panama (for now)!

Thank you all so much for sharing my journey with me!  I look forward to our final video chat together soon! 
