Who Likes Meat, Bread and Cheese?

I recently went to a store where I found six different kinds! Cavapi are made of beef and lamb, but my mom and I created a fake meat version at home! Kaymak is often used in this dish. It's a thick clotted cream made from the milk of cows or goats. Hungry yet?

I always order a sopska salata with every meal. It's the most refreshing dish in the world and perfect for a sweltering summer day. It's simple, consisting only of chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, garlic and cheese!

Did I mention cheese? My favorite part of Serbian cuisine is the delicious local farmer's cheese used in the salads. It reminds me of a soft feta, and I use it in wraps, sprinkle it on pasta and sometimes just eat it plain. Interestingly enough, meat and dairy were only introduced to the Serbian diet in the last few centuries. Before then, most people ate a lot of hearty vegetables!

How did I feel when I tried it?:

Tasting the food I knew from my grandmother's kitchen felt like returning home, which was comforting in such a new environment. I never get tired of traditional Serbian food, and cooking it at home is convenient since the dishes often only use a few ingredients. Many local restaurants use local food, which supports farmers in Novi Sad and is better for the environment! I love strolling through the pijacas, or farmers' markets, which are crowded with people buying and selling fruits, vegetables, meat, spices and clothing. This is Serbia's best-kept secret since you can find the freshest food here! 

How is the food prepared?:

Grilling is extremely popular in Serbia because many dishes include chicken or red meat.
