“Why do YOU love wetlands?” I would ask my friends this question every February 2nd. February 2nd, more commonly known for being Groundhog Day, also marks World Wetlands day.
Wetlands are ecosystems that are flooded by water (either occasionally, or all the time). Salt marshes, mangroves, and swamps are all examples of wetlands. Can you think of a wetland near you?
February 2nd, more commonly known for being Groundhog Day, also marks World Wetlands day. Maybe your favorite holiday is the 4th of July or Halloween. Mine is World Wetlands Day. Luckily for me, because I am working on a research project on mangrove forests, I now get to celebrate wetlands every day!
This weekend I traveled with some of my friends to Isla Santay, an island off of the coast of Guayaquil. It is close enough to the city that we walked across on a bridge!
This island used to be used for cattle and rice production. Now it is a Ramsar site, which means that it is a wetland that is protected by agreements between many different countries.
Isla Santay is about the size of 2,000 soccer fields. It contains both mangrove and dry forest ecosystems. It is home to some really cool wildlife, such as crocodiles. Also, 107 different bird species have been registered on this island!