Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

I traveled more than 912 kilometers (about 567 miles) to get from Karlsruhe to Brussels and back.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

During my Fulbright program, the furthest I traveled was to Barcelona (1.195 km), but my trip to Brussels is the second furthest I have traveled. 

How did I get around this week?:

I only took public transportation to travel to the seminar to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by my trip. To travel from Karlsruhe to Brussels and back I took high-speed I.C.E. trains. Within the city of Brussels itself, I took the metro or buses or walked from place to place.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

I had the opportunity to meet the U.S. ambassador to the E.U. and the U.S. ambassador to Belgium at the embassy of the United States to Belgium! The embassy also serves as the abassador to Belgium's residence. The building itself is about 100 years old. 

Other Travel News from this week:

Traveling to Brussels from Karlsruhe by train was so easy and comfortable! I highly recommend high speed trains for traveling in Europe.  
