Daily Life Interview


For one of my classes in Lyon, each week our homework is to interview a stranger on a specific topic such as family or their job. During one of these interviews, I asked the woman I met about her daily life. She did not want to be photographed, but she was around 60 years old.

What is your full name?:

My name is Marie Vanot. 

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live on Presqu’Ile, which is the island in the middle of the city of Lyon. My house is an apartment on the third floor of a building.

What is your family like?:

I have a husband and four children who are all grown up. Also, I have three grandchildren. The whole family comes over to our house every Sunday, after church, for a large brunch and dinner.

How do you get around?:

I walk to get around most days, but if I have to travel longer distances, I have a car. However, I rarely use my car. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

I like to wear comfortable suits and soft scarves. 

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In my free time, I enjoy drinking coffee in cafes and reading. Additionally, I like to walk around in the various parks in Lyon with my dogs or with my husband.
