Tips and Tricks for College and Study Abroad Success!

It goes without saying that preparation and organization are key to a successful senior year and will impact your college education for years to come. Start by preparing for your senior year during the summer before. Think about what colleges you want to attend, whether a community college or four-year college is right for you, and list the ones that stand out to you the most. Research which scholarships you want to apply for online and ensure you meet those requirements. Prepare an academic resume listing your work, volunteer and leadership experiences, along with your GPA and SAT/ACT scores. Remember that, due to COVID-19, many universities opted to go test-optional and haven’t looked back. So, it's not the end of the world if you don’t have the best SAT or ACT scores because you don’t have to include them. Furthermore, compile a list of references from which you’d like to request letters of recommendation. Almost all scholarships and universities will ask for these, so be sure to ask people (who are not your family or friends) to write a really good letter speaking of your many wonderful traits and qualities and why you, of all applicants, deserve the opportunity you are applying for. Like your personal essay, these are also reusable and can be molded to fit the opportunity you are applying for.

Know that it is okay to ask for help, and to feel overwhelmed and stressed. This is a pivotal point in your academic career. Your goal should be to shoot for the moon and hope to at least land among the stars. You should strive for greatness and believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. If you are the first person to stand in your own way, believe me, achieving your goals will become almost impossible.
