As my sixth week in Lyon comes to a close, I have taken some time to reflect on what I have learned so far and what I am hoping to learn in my remaining 4 weeks here in France.
Premierment (first), there as not as many differences as I originally believed there would be. Yes, certain things are still a little bizarre to me like how the only produce sold in grocery stores is what is in season or how the toilets are in separate and detached rooms from the sinks. Overall, though, I have found that the French way of life remains similar to life at home. People here go to work in the mornings, use public transportation and eat meals with their families.
Deuxièmement (secondly), while there are many similarities between life in the United States and in France, there are also a few small differences that warrant discussing further. Nobody here ever seems to be in a rush. Meals are long and the food, as well as the company, is meant to be enjoyed. The average workday starts around 9AM and ends promptly at 5PM, and overtime (working later than expected) is almost unheard of. Family time is extremely important. Almost everything is closed on Sundays, and the day is spent at home with loved ones.