Since I arrived in Soc Trang, I have often thought about how people here move from one place to another. Throughout Vietnam, people use many of the same means of transportation that you can find in the U.S. and other parts of the world including cars, planes, trains, buses, motorbikes, bicycles and boats. However, some ways of getting around in Vietnam are more common than others. Although more and more people in Soc Trang, like in many parts of the country, are buying and using cars, most people here use smaller vehicles to get around on roads. People in Soc Trang often move around on water too. There are rivers that flow through the province, and people use that water to their advantage in farming, business, tourism, and daily, personal and cultural activities.
The most common way of getting around on land in Soc Trang is by riding motorbikes. From pedal bikes with small engines to bulky automatic sporty motorcycles, they can be spotted on nearly every street in Soc Trang at nearly every hour, day and night. Motorbikes are versatile because people use them in different ways to fit their need. People ride and drive motorbikes to and from work and school.