I have visited six different cities in Taiwan and eaten some of the best food I've ever had. Seriously, the food is delicious! I went surfing for the first time, and I learned how to drive a scooter. I have been welcomed by a new community in Guan Shan and am so happy to call it home.
It has been four months full of exciting firsts. It is crazy to think back on how much I've done so far, and I still have so many things to learn and do ahead of me! I love to travel because I'm constantly surprised— I meet interesting people, learn about different cultures, and do things I would never get the chance to do at home. I'm looking forward to the rest of my time here in Taiwan, and I hope that all of you have loved experiencing what Taiwan has to offer as much as I have! Keep asking questions about the things around you, and take every chance you can to learn more about the world. Never stop exploring!
Xie xie, wan an!