Although this is my last journal, I am not even halfway through my journey here in Taiwan. As I look back on all the things I experienced so far, I can say that I am really glad I got to share my first few months with all of you and that you enjoyed experiencing my initial reactions of what it is like to live here. I also hope I was able to show just how friendly the people are in Taiwan and the beauty of all the places I have visited. At the very least, I hope you all still want to learn more about this amazing country!
When I first came to Taiwan, I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure what my home would be like, with whom I would be living, or what the schools would be like where I would teach. This was my favorite part of my journey so far. With so many things unknown, there are so many things to discover. In the past four months, I have made a lot of new friends, both with other American teachers and with the Taiwanese people who live around me. I have seen the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen and even hiked up a few of them! I have taught my first class, and I became a regular at all my new favorite restaurants. I have improved my Chinese speaking skills and have had so much fun using them to have little conversations with the people around me.