A lot of things happened on the weekend after midterms. I studied all week, preparing for my tests, so I deserved a little break. But before I tell you about those adventures, I would just like to inform you of one of my hidden talents. I sing! I love to sing and I entered a singing competition at my school. This singing competition was very unique. I had to audition by sending in a video of me singing, but there was a twist! I had to wear a mask! I created a mask for the singing video and it was hilarious. I called it "The T-Shirt Mask." The mask was a t-shirt that I wrapped around my head. I also wore a hat and a pair of sunglasses. It was not one of my most creative moments. However, I sent the video to my school and now I'm waiting for the results. Wish me luck!
I submitted the singing video on Friday. On Saturday I went to Bangkok for a day of fun! I went to the largest mall in Bangkok, called Siam Center. Siam Center has over eight floors! I walked around the mall for three hours just to see all of the stores and restaurants that were inside. Everything was so beautiful and clean. The mall also had a concert stage and a movie theater inside! The most exciting part was that when I walked outside, there were two more malls! Along with these new malls were shops on the sides of the street. These shops had a lot of food like squid, octopus, duck and even crab!