Recent Earthqauke in Japan

The school, in spirit with its Catholic history, always donates to areas in need. Fukushima is an area in need that constantly gets donations from Seishin. 

Why does the community have this need?:

Fukushima is still rebuilding after years, and still, has a need for relief from the earthquake, tsunami and power plant meltdown. Chances are that this necessity for help from outside of Fukushima will be required for a lot longer before the citizens are flourishing again.

Is this need being met? How?:

Life in Fukushima has returned to a sense of normalcy with help from the donations. The town has progressed a lot in the past five years, but there is always the fear that another natural disaster could strike again.

Kurashiki, Japan
Location Data:
POINT (133.7720841 34.5850134)
