デンジソウ (pronounced "Denjisowa") or Marsilea quadrifolia is an endangered plant species that is native to Japan and many areas within the "Eurasia Region." This species also thrives within the United States, specifically the northeastern region. It has many names, but the most common names are European Water Clover and Four Leaf Clover. Many individuals do not realize that the clover is not indigenous to the United States. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?
It looks like a Four Leaf clover! Small with a thin stem, these plants can grow up to 3/4 of an inch long. The clovers grow to about the diameter of a penny.
In nature, you never fully notice plants until you are looking for them. Realizing that this plant is endangered forces you first to question why it is at risk of extinction, and then if you are contributing to the problem. I also thought about how as a kid, we used to pick them because they were good luck. There were often days where I would pick two handfuls of them so I would have extra good luck that week.