Las Tradiciones Argentinas (Argentine Traditions)

However, for those who have jobs outside of their home, it isn't feasible to return home, so many working adults don't take part in this tradition. Después de siesta (After naptime), alrededor de las cinco o seis de la tarde (around 5-6pm), most people eat merienda, which is a light snack similar to breakfast that's eaten a couple of hours before dinner.;

  • 3. La Cena Familiar (Family Dinner) La cena is the most important meal of the day and typically eaten late in the evening, around 9pm or later. Common dinner foods are carne (steak), empanadas, choripan (sandwich with chorizo and chimichurri), and milnesa (breaded cutlet). Dinner is eaten together as a family every night and the conversations at the dinner table can last for hours!
  • 4. Abrazos y Besos (Hugs and Kisses): It is tradition to greet others with a hug and a kiss on the cheek in Argentina. ¡Atención! (Attention): Unlike in other countries that greet with kisses, in Argentina it is only ONE kiss and NO contact is made (solo un beso de aire - just an air kiss). It is not proper to give a kiss on each cheek or make contact with your lips. This greeting is the same regardless of gender and is used in informal situations. In formal situations, such as an interview, a handshake is appropriate.
  • 5. ¿Qué es Considerado Puntual? What is Considered Puntual?: In Argentina, and many other Spanish-speaking countries, it is not common to arrive early or on time to social events.
