Although this journal entry is my farewell to the Reach the World program, it is not a farewell to my time in Iceland, and for that, I am extremely grateful! I never expected to live outside of the United States for so long, but I will continue to live in Iceland for the foreseeable future. My experience here in Iceland has just been the tip of the iceberg, and there is still so much more to learn and explore. There are so many holidays I haven’t celebrated, foods I haven’t tried, hikes I haven’t gone on and hot springs I haven’t gone in. And some of the things I have already done, like see the northern lights or stand in front of an active volcano or powerful waterfall, could never be experienced enough, even if I got to do them every single day.
I’ve really enjoyed sharing my experience with others, and I hope that my time here can encourage people to travel and live elsewhere in the future because it is truly a life-changing experience. I’ve learned so much about Iceland in my time here so far, from the culture to the environment, but Iceland has also taught me a lot about myself. I’ve been pushed past the limits of my comfort zone, and in doing so, I have discovered what makes me who I am.