Every once in a while, the images on the pound are changed and then they aren't be able to used anymore. The old bills or notes have to be exchanged for new ones. Fun fact: when the Queen of England passes, away the images on the notes will be changed to feature Prince Charles. The reigning king or queen is always be printed on the currency.
In England there are many old pipes. This means that sometimes the water needs to be filtered or is unsuitable for people to drink. Often there is a filtering station or bottled water available. When going to the supermarket, I saw the largest water bottles I had ever seen. They were about the size of my head! One of these water bottles cost 70 pence. This is cheap, and I believe it is because there are places where tap water cannot be drunk.
I had my favorite meal of the week on Saturday. A few friends and I were exploring the city and found a place called Wagamama. It served ramen and curry. I had never tried either of these things before. I was a little nervous, because I didn't know if I would like the food. But one of the things I like to say is, "life would be boring if you didn't try something new". I jumped out of my comfort zone and ordered some grilled chicken ramen and blueberry spice pressed juice. The food was made right in front of me, which I had also never experienced. The grilled chicken ramen included chicken, pea shoots, menma, chicken broth and dashi and miso. I had never heard of half of the ingredients before! The juice was pressed fresh, too, meaning it didn't come from a can or bottle but right from some fresh apple, blueberries and ginger.