This was my favorite meal because I tried something new and it was delicious! I hope to explore some more Asian foods along my journey.
This week I was able to hear some live music. I walked along the River Thames where someone was playing the guitar and singing. I do not know if they were singing something English, jazz or something else, but it sounded good. When I was on the Tube, a group of three men also hopped on and started playing/ singing "When the Saints go Marching In". They played the trumpet and cymbals. I was thrilled because my mascot at my home university are the Saints. We always play "When the Saints go Marching In" at football games and events. There is a variety of music in the city, but I have only just scratched the surface.
I had the opportunity to visit a palace for the first time! I felt like a real life princess walking through all the halls. I was able to see Hampton Court Palace, where King Henry VIII lived in the sixteenth century. I saw his room, kitchens, court yard, bathrooms, ballroom and many other rooms in his palace. The king liked to throw grand parties, and there was even a wine fountain in the middle of his courtyard. My favorite part of the palace was the large garden in the back of palace. There were large fountains, walkways and trees everywhere. Being out in nature gave me so much pleasure. I was practically skipping around. The garden was very large, so I was only able to see part of it. Through this activity I was able to learn about the life of a royal in the 16th and 17th centuries.