I listened to a lot of movie soundtracks (the music that plays during movies) when I was working on my lesson plans. Are there any songs from movies that you like to listen to?
I went with my friend to Seoul for a weekend trip! We ate street food at Seoul Market, walked along the canals, and explored the historical Namsangol Hanok Village, where we played traditional Korean games.
To prepare for my English lessons for my Korean students, I am reading a reference book on American English idioms. Every language has sayings or phrases that mean something else other than their direct translation. One example of an idiom is “Hold your horses!” Other examples are “out of the blue” and “wing it.” What are some idioms that you know?
I played a game called Geoguessr this week (https://geoguessr.io/). In this game, you are placed in a random place on Google Maps Street View, and you need to guess where in the world you are by looking at all the clues in the picture! Some clues include the natural surroundings, the types of roads and the languages on the road and building signs. You get more points when your guess is closer to the correct location. How well do you think you know the world?
There are many American fast-food chains in Korea. In Wonju, I found a Pizza Hut and a Dunkin Donuts store. I was surprised to find the Dunkin Donuts store because I thought that they were only found in America!