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Do you know any songs from the '70s?

What activity was the most fun this week?:

On Saturday, I climbed down into one of the oldest wells in Europe. The walls were made of stone and covered in moss. It looked medieval. The well led to underground tunnels that ran underneath the entire city. It was dark and cold, but it made for one of the neatest experices I've had!

What did I read this week?:

Did you know that J.K. Rowling wrote most of her first Harry Potter book while in Portugal?  This weekend, while I was in the city of Porto, I went to the library on which she based her mythical Harry Potter library.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

My trip to Portugal was packed full of activites and long bus rides. Not much time for games this week!

Other news from this week:

Portugal is a country I would love to come back to. It is unlike any other European country I have traveled to so far, but I loved it even more because of that. The architecture consisted mostly of tiled buildings, and there seemed to be a lot of Asian influence in the food and culture. Portugal is also the number one porducer of cork in the world.  It has everything you could ever imagine you could find in cork form: sandals, bottles, pens, and even hats. 
