A Look into the Life of My Host: Anna

There is a lot of traffic and people in the streets of her place, since it is located in an ideal location. However, Anna is used to the noise by now!

What is your family like?:

She has a son who is 41 years old and a daughter who is 34 years old. Both of Anna's children have a son, so Anna also has a 2-year old and 6-year old grandson! Besides her children and grandchildren, Anna has one sister who has three children. This is the extent of her close family, apart from some cousins. 

How do you get around?:

When traveling to the center, Anna uses the metro. This is because her destination is close and easier than trying to find a spot to park. It is near impossible to find parking spots in most streets. However, when she is traveling or visiting a friend that is further away, she uses her car. She drives a small, black, manual Ford Fiesta. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

She likes to wear clothes that she feels comfortable in, such as leggings and jeans. To the grocery store and in the house she wears casual, oversized clothing, but when she meets her friends out or has an event, she will dress up in dresses or jumpsuits with layers and jewelery to accessorize. 

What do you like to do in your free time?:

When she has free time, Anna does many different things, from going out with her friends to going shopping to visiting their houses to watch movies or to chat or play games. Anna also often has her grandchildren over or eats out or gets treats outside of the house. Many Saturdays she goes to the street market that is a few blocks away to find good deals on clothes and every day items. 
