Come See an Indian Wedding with Me!


Everything in Indian weddings is colorful and sparkly, including the clothes on the horse, which the groom rides while trying to dance!
This was my cousin (the groom) with the bride at the wedding sangeet! Aren't the bride's outfits beautiful? They danced to the most famous Bollywood love song, called, "Tujhe Dekha Toh"
Here's another picture of me with some of my cousins at the wedding! We are all wearing traditional Indian clothing called lehengas
After the groom gets to the wedding on his horse, he climbs up into a chariot that's been decorated with flowers just for him! In this picture, his sister climbed up with him and was so excited that she started shooting fireworks into the air!
The outdoor venue for the wedding was decorated really beautifully! April is already summer in India, so there were lots of trees and flowers (and mosquitos...ick!)
These were some of the decorations for the haldi, an event where the groom's family rubs haldi, or turmeric, all over his skin before the wedding. In India, we say that haldi makes your skin glow and gives you good health!
Here's me with my parents at the wedding sangeet! The sangeet is an event that happens a few days before the wedding, where family members give dance performances for the bride and groom
My family is Hindu, and Hindu weddings in India have pujas, or religious ceremonies where a priest gives his blessings to the bride and groom


