Food in Ecuador


I have never been a picky eater, even when I was little. So, when I travel to new places, trying new types of food is always near the top of my list. When I got to Ecuador, it was no different! In the short time that I’ve been here, I’ve had the chance to try so many different types of food. If you remember how I described Ecuador last time as very diverse, this pertains to the food as well!


What food did I try?:

The food here in Ecuador is really different from the food I’m used to in the U.S. Here, lunch is the biggest meal of the day, as compared to dinner back home. A full lunch here starts out with a soup, of which there are many kinds but, usually the soup has potatoes and vegetables like corn, peas and carrots, as well as a meat like chicken or beef. After the soup comes the main dish. A traditional main dish could be rice and potatoes with a salad and some meat on the side. Some restaurants also serve pasta as the main dish, so there is some variety too! After the main dish is a small desert. My favorite thing for desert is trying different types of fresh fruit.

One of my favorite things about Ecuador is the huge variety of fruit. Because of the warm temperatures year-round, so many different types of fruit grow here which I’ve never even seen before back home.
