This logbook explores some aspects of my daily life in general and this past week in Bogotá, including things like weather, travel, animals, what I like to do, and more!

I’m living in Bogotá, Colombia where I teach English as a new language to university students pursuing degrees in Bilingual Education. When I'm not teaching, I'm learning the culture in other ways!
This logbook explores some aspects of my daily life in general and this past week in Bogotá, including things like weather, travel, animals, what I like to do, and more!
This is a list of 30 things that were kind of culture shocks to me when I first got to Colombia, accompanied by a brief elaboration on each!
Here you'll read one of my students' answers to an interview about daily life in Bogotá. As you know, Colombians start university around 16, so this is a day in the life of a native who's your age!
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