I explored a whole new culture in Spain; met many incredible people; ate a variety of new foods; and visited a range of new places -- all the while becoming a more culturally competent person. I also traveled to Spain's neighbor Portugal where I learned about the language (Portugese) spoken by the people in this country. WhiIe in Portugal, I also learned about that country's history. I traveled to Morocco where I was introduced to Arabic culture, and where I got to ride a camel on the beach! I traveled to Seville, sister city to my home town which is Kansas City. I visited the beaches in Nerja and toured the Pablo Picasso museum in Malaga. I am currently in Barcelona, Spain and will be traveling to Amsterdam, Netherlands on Wednesday! My study-abroad program is over on the 19th of December, but I have decided to stay in Granada for Christmas and New Year's because I am in love with Granada and need more time to say goodbye. I will then return to the United States, celebrate my birthday with my family, then head to Springfield, Missouri to start the spring semester at Missouri State University. I hope you have enjoyed my journey as much as I have, and have learned something new. My blog will always be available if you ever want to refer to it. I would also love to help you organize your own study-abroad. And one day I would love to read about your travel experiences!