Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

This week I only traveled between my home and work. I work at the Centre Cuturel in Nguinth, Senegal which is only a mile away. So, in total I traveled 10 miles this week.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

Senegal is about 4,000 miles from my home. That is the same as 70,400 football fields. Additionally, I live in Thies and have to travel to Dakar (the capital) to work with my supervisor in the United States Embassay. Thies to Dakar is about 40 miles and I have gone back and forth at least ten times! I have also traveled to Saly, Warang, Popenguine, and Toubab Dialaw to visit beaches and the families of people I have met. Overall, since September 23rd, I have traveled over 5,000 miles!

How did I get around this week?:

This week I mostly got around by walking. Most places are within walking distance and it only takes about 30 minutes to walk to the store, work, and my favorite restaurant. When I go home after work I usually take a taxi because it's safer than walking alone at night. This week one of my students drove me home on his motorcycle (or moto, as we call them). Although there are not a lot of laws about safety in Senegal, I still wore my helment to be extra safe!
