The Lotus flower is a very beautiful and famous flower. The Lotus flower is native to Asia and can be found all over the continent, from India to China. The Red Lotus is the national flower of Vietnam. The Lotus is connected to Buddha in Vietnam. Buddhism looks at the teachings of Buddha and is practiced all over the country. The Lotus flower in Vietnam is also known to symbolize the people because it shows strength and rebirth. The Lotus flower has been written about in stories and songs throughout history. The Lotus is a very popular food and is added to drinks and dishes. The Lotus flower is also very popular in art and clothing designs.
The Lotus flower is a beautiful flower found in all colors of the rainbow. If you are looking at the Lotus from the front, it kind of looks like a crown with petals sprouting in every direction. If you are looking at the flower from the top, it looks like a gold ring surrounded by colorful, oval-shaped petals. The most common Lotus flowers that I see in Vietnam are pink and red, but Lotus flowers come in blue, red, yellow, purple and white.