I live in the state of Rajasthan, a state in India known for its deserts and desert-like climate. Most of the year, it rains very little and the the temperature is very hot. Thankfully, the region gets a break from the heat in the winter, when highs are closer to the 70's, and it gets a break from the drought during the monsoon season from mid-June to mid-September.
The environment of Jaipur is hot and semi-arid. The term arid means dry, like a desert. Jaipur receives slightly more rainfall than a desert, so it is referred to as "semi-arid". The environment in Jaipur is different to most climates on the U.S. east coast as it has a dry season and a monsoon, or wet season. Most of the rain falls during this monsoon season and very little falls outside of it.
The lack of water and high temperatures of the region can be a harsh environment in which to live. Thankfully, there are other parts of the envionment that help people to live here. The Dravyavati River runs through the city of Jaipur, which helps to bring water to the city and replenish groundwater supplies even without the rain. Plants and animals adapted to the conditions, such as neem trees and camels, have also helped people to survive in the region.