My Trip to the Jardim Botanical Garden

What makes the botanical gaarden unique is that it's in the middle of the city center but because of its ecosystem, it is home to many animals and plants that otherwise couldnt live there. I have only see this bird at the garden, along with many other unique plants and wildlife.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

The toco toucan uses its beak to eat fruits and catch insects and small anmals. Due to its unique color, it blends in well with its enviornment of colorful plants. It uses bird calls to warn others about predators. Its beak also helps to regulate its body tremperature, which is critical in a hot and humid place like Brazil.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Like many other wildlife, the toco toucan is at risk due to climate change and habitat loss due to industrialization. That is why areas like the botanical garden are important as a means of preservation for animals and plants.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Location Data:
POINT (-43.2222408 -22.9638219)
