Community Highlight: 6th Grade Field Trip & Beach Cleanup


6th graders in Kaohsiung went on a field trip to learn more about their local ecosystems and fishing communities
I get to join some 6th grade students as we wait in the school foyer for the buses to arrive that will take us all the way to northern Kaohsiung's Nanzih District for an eco-themed field trip
On the buses: next stop Yuanzhonggang Wetland Park! I have made a friend, and he is all geared up for the sun and mosquitos today!
Our first destination is Yuanzhonggang Wetland Park, which is similar to a nature reserve and hosts a diverse array of ecosystems and wildlife-- featuring mangroves, mudflats, and crabs!
In the wetland park, we got to see the mangrove mudflats and the crabs (i螃蟹 / pángxiè in Chinese) who call this environment home
Algae is in full bloom, and students get to test out metal water skimmers to remove it and let some sunlight into the water!
For their first mission, students are sent on a scavenger hunt to find fake crabs that have been hidden around the park and which have a fun fact about the wetland park and local wildlife written on their backs
Fact #8 translation: "In order to protect the wetlands reduced by development, Taiwan formulated the "Wetland Conservation Act", designating about 80 complete wetlands as "Nationally Important Wetlands" and dividing them into three protection categories"

