I can’t believe it’s finally over. Spending this past semester abroad in Italy, was like breathing in a rush of fresh air. It was an opportunity to see the ancient world of the Roman Empire but at the same time, the daily lives of the modern Italians. There were many perspectives in contrast to the typical American point of view to consider, and many opportunities were offered to get a glimpse of authentic culture. Italy really holds on to its history and does everything it can to preserve it. There were so many museums and archaeological sites, but as a film geek, I’d have to say my favorite thing about my trip to Italy was Cinecitta Studios.
I went with a friend and our tickets covered the Si Mostra Show Off and the Italian Museum of Moving Pictures (also known as MIAC: Museo Italiano Audiovisivo e Cinema). It was there at the Si Mostra that I was privileged to see the Fellini Exhibit. The previous semester I took a History of Film class where we spoke of Fedrico Fellini briefly and it was quite a fun surprise to find an entire section dedicated to him. Upon entering the museum, I was immediately greeted by a wall timeline of Fellini's life.
Fedrico Felllini was born in Rimini, Italy.