How do you get to school? Do you ride the bus? Can you walk? How do you get to the shopping mall? How many different kinds of transportation do you take each day? Everyone around the world has to move and travel to get places; however, the ways that they travel can be totally different! Read to learn how people get around on my island!
I live in a city, so most places are pretty close together. This means that you can walk from your house to the grocery store. A lot of people ride bikes here too. If I need to go further away, or if the weather is bad and I don't want to be outside, I take the bus. The buses here are bright green and are called "guaguas" (pronounced like wah-wahs). I can take the bus to the beach too. There is also a tram that connects my city to the one right next to it. There is an airport on my island, so I flew here in a plane. However, some of the other smaller islands do not have airports, so you have to take a ferry there!
I like being able to walk outside since the weather is normally very nice out here. I walk to my school every morning which takes about 25 minutes. If it is rainy, or I am running late, I take the tram, but mostly I like to walk. My city is very safe, so I never worry about walking by myself or taking the bus.