Brazil is a country filled with a rich and diverse culture. In the U.S., we have many different cultures, but I would venture to say that the differences between Brazilian regions can be even more stark than the United States. One thing that everyone celebrates, however, is Festa Junina. Everyone has heard about Carnaval, but Festa Junina is just as important! Let's dive a little deeper.
Festa Junina is a mix of a harvest festival and a Catholic commemoration. Junina means "of June," because it happens throughout the entire month of June. It is a lovely celebration that brings together communities young and old to celebrate harvest.
Brazil is a predominantly Catholic country. Though many Afro-indigenous religions are prominent too, the vast majority of holidays are religious. Festa Junina is the celebration of saints throughout the whole month of June. In most of the country, the celebration centers around Saint Anthony, Saint Peter, and most of all, St. John the Baptist. In many parts of the country, it is called "festas de São João" celebration of Saint John instead of June Celebration to highlight this.