As mentioned previously, Spanish is the main language spoken here in Argentina, though there are many influences from other languages like Italian and German. For example, it is really common here to say "ciao" instead of "adios" when saying goodbye to someone.
The ARS (Argentine Peso) continues to be the main source of currency here in Argentina.
Here in Argentina, a bottle of water costs about 50 ARS, which is currently about $3.25 USD.
The most memorable thing I ate this week were a couple of facturas (a kind of small pastry) that my friend Christian brought us. Facturas come in a variety of flavors. The one I enjoyed the most was a small pastry filled with dulce de leche and dusted with powdered sugar. Amazing!
This week I listened to a good amount of music from all parts of the world. While camping, a friend of mine wanted me to show him some music that I listen to when I am at home. He was curious because I told him that I was not too fond of electronic music, which surprised him because he thought that most North Americans like electronic music. I showed him some jazz songs that are my favorites.