Hallo! Wie geht's? Hello, how are you? My name is Chloe. I am a first-generation Chinese-American. My parents are both from China and still live there. I am also a first-generation and non-traditional college student--I started working on my Bachelor's degree when I was 26 years old. I have moved all around California, starting with eight years in San Francisco and ending up at California State University-Northridge near Los Angeles. I am currently a senior, very close to completing my Bachelor's degree.
So far, I speak two and a half languages: Chinese, English, and half German. I have only been studying German for about eight months so I have much to learn, but living and studying in Tübingen, Germany this year will certainly help with my language skills. I'm excited to take you on this journey to Germany with me... let's go!
Want to know more about how you can study or intern abroad when you are a college student? The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Learn more about the scholarship by clicking here!