First, there's tejo. It is the only sport that is 100 percent Colombian. It is believed that 500 years ago, the Muiscas (indigenous people) already practiced it! Tejo was born in Turmequé, an important place of inter-cultural exchange for the peoples of Cundinamarca and Boyacá. These towns are north of Bogotá. They gave the name to this activity. The Turmequé, or tejo, was part of ceremonial parties, where the presence of Chicha, a Colombian alcohol, was always included.
Tejo was initially played with a gold disc! Since the beginning, Tejo has consisted of throwing a disk, either of gold, used by Muiscas; or metal, which is used today. Finally, in the year 2000, the modern versión of tejo was declared the national sport of Colombia. There are even professional leagues and teams! That said, most people still see this sport as a fun game.
Some people attribute the origin of the rana to an ancient Inca legend. In this culture, the frogs were revered for their magical powers. On festive days, people would throw gold pieces into the lakes. If a frog jumped and ate the piece, the shooter was given a wish. Rana was a game that had mystery and required dexterity. Dance and joy were mixed together in it!